2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
Freely Chosen Employment自由地選擇工作。
A1.1Red--The facility does not use any type of forced, prison, indentured, or bonded labor.工厂没有用任何强迫、监禁、不法契約或束縛的劳工。
A1.2Orange--Workers are not required to pay a deposit upon being hired.聘顧方面, 工人不用付任何的保证金。
A1.3 Orange--The facility does not withhold workers’ government-issued identification (passports or work permits) upon hire.工人一旦被雇用,工厂不会押扣工人的任何政府发行的证件(护照或工作许可证)。
A1.4Orange--labor contracts are signed with the workers where legally required.和工人签定在地合法要求的合同。
A1.5Orange--The facility assures that its workers are free to enter and exit the facility and housing during their non-work hours except as required by law. 工厂确保工人在非上班时间可以进出工厂,除非是法律規定的要求?
A1.6Orange The facility assures that its workers are free to quit their job and leave upon reasonable notice, with no penalty.工厂确保工人一旦有合理的通知可以自由终止工作和离开,没有任何罚款。
A1.7Yellow Workers are free to choose and use external medical facilities.工人可以自由的选择並且使用外部医疗資源。
A1.8Yellow Workers are allowed access to basic liberties.员工允许有基本自由。
Child labor avoidance /young worker management.童工/青年员工管理。
A2.1Red--Workers working at the facility are equal to or above the minimum legal age.廠內员工的年龄必须等于或大于当地归定的最小年龄。
A2.2Orange--The facility reviews, validates and keeps on file legal proof of age documentation upon hire for all potential workers. 在顧用員工前, 工厂会檢視、验证并且保留有法定證明的年龄文件。
A2.3Orange--The facility restricts the type of work performed and number of hours for workers under the age of 18 (such as a limit to the hours they can work or whether or not they can work with hazardous chemicals). 工厂会限制18岁以下员工的工种和上班时间 (像是限制他們工作時間, 不管他們是否在危險化學方面工作)。
A2.4Yellow--The facility has a procedure to respond to discovery of workers below the legal age.工厂要有一套程序,一旦发现员工的年龄小于规定的年龄。
A2.5Yellow--the facility considers access to basic educational needs for workers below the age for compulsory education.对于那些小于工作年龄的员工,考虑他们再接受义务教育。
A2.6Yellow--the facility have a clear programme for hiring, training, and promoting apprentices.对于招工,训练,提升学徒,工厂是有一个请晰程序。
Working hours.工作时间。
A3.1Red--Workers are provided with at least one (1) day off per every seven (7) days on average.平均每个星期要有一天的休息。
A3.2Orange--The required average hours in a work week, including overtime, over the last 12 months at this facility does not exceed 6 hours.在过去的12个月里,每个星期的工作时间,含加班,每周不能超过6小时。
A3.3Orange--The facility keeps reliable records of workers’ standard and overtime hours.工厂持有員工的標準及加班時間的可靠记录。
A3.4Orange-- Workers are allowed legally mandated breaks.员工是否享受当地的合法休息。
A3.5Orange--The facility has a written procedure in place to determine, manage and control overtime.工厂要有书面的程序来决定,管理和控制加班时间。
A3.6Yellow--legal working hours and facility working hours communicated to all workers.合法的工作时间和加班时间事先和所有的员工谈定。
A4.1Orange--legal compensation for regular hours is paid to all workers.所有員工的正常工作时间都能得到合法的薪酬。
A4.2Orange--The overtime wage is calculated and paid at the premium as legally required. 加班工资是根据法律要求计算和偿付的津贴。
A4.3Orange--There are no delays or withholding of payments to workers.不得拖延或扣押员工工资。
A4.4 Orange Disciplinary wage deductions are not permitted.惩罚手段扣减工资是不允许的。
A4.5 Orange--Deductions or withholdings are calculated correctly.扣除額或扣繳能準確計算。
A4.6 Orange--If the facility employs contract workers, the contract workers receive legally mandated benefits in addition to their wages.一旦雇用合同工,则合同人人享有除工资外, 法律所规定的津贴。
A4.7 Yellow--Deductions or withholdings are submitted to the appropriate government agency within the time frame specified in the applicable local labor law.在当地相应的劳动法规定的时间范围内,将扣除金额交给相关的正府机构。
Humane Treatment 人性对待。
A5.1 Red-There is no evidence of (sexual) abuse, corporal punishment, physical coercion occurring at the facility.不允许在企业发生(性别)縟骂,体罚,身体虐待等不良行为。
A5.2 Orange-There is no evidence of (sexual) harassment, mental coercion, verbal abuse or intimidation occurring at the facility.不允许在企业发生(性)骚扰,精神虐待,言语縟骂或恐吓等不良行为。
A5.3 Orange-the facility provides workers with written rules and regulations regarding disciplinary procedures.企业提供员工有关惩罚程序的相关书刊号面规章制度。
A5.4 Orange-the disciplinary procedures are humane.惩罚程序是人道的。
A5.5 Orange-disciplinary actions are tracked and consistent with the procedures.惩罚行为能被追朔並且与程序保持一致。
A5.6 Orange-the facility have procedures to investigate reports and, if appropriate, to discipline those that commit acts of harsh or inhumane treatment against workers.工廠有程序來做週查報告, 若可以,要規定那些對員工刻苛的錯誤行為或不人道的對待?
A5.7 Orange-managers and supervisors are trained on appropriate disciplinary measures.经理及管理人应接受有关合适惩戒的把握尺度的培训。
A5.8 Orange workers permitted time off when ill or for maternity.允许员工請病假或产假。
Non-discrimination 不歧視。
A6.1 Red-There is no evidence of discrimination based on grounds of race, color, age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, pregnancy, religion, political affiliation, union membership or marital status.不存在任何建立在种族,肤色,年龄,性别,性倾向,残疾,怀孕,宗教信仰,政治联合,工会成员,家庭地位的歧视行为。
A6.2 Orange-Facility has written policies that ban discrimination.企业应有有关歧视禁令的书面政策。
Freedom of association 集會自由。
A7.1 Red-The facility respects the legal rights of workers for free association.企业应尊重员工自由集會的合法权力。
A7.2 Red-There is no evidence of unequal treatment between employee representative(s) and other workers.在雇员代表和其它员工之间不得有不公平待遇。
A7.3 Orange-there are procedures and opportunities for workers to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions.员工有机会参与有关工作条件管理的交流. 有程序及機會給予員工關於工作情況的公開交流。
Occupational Safety 職工安全。
B1.1 Red the facility effectively controls worker exposures to safety hazards (e.g. electrical shock hazards, forklifts, air quality, etc.).企业应有效控制安全隐患的曝光(如电击隐患,叉车,空气质量等)。
B1.2 Orange the facility implemented programs to identify, evaluate and control worker exposure to safety hazards.企业应执行识别,评估,控制安全隐患的程序。
B1.3 Yellow worker interviews reveal that production workers have a basic understanding of the workplace safety hazards, hazard control programs and safe work procedures.从与员工面谈中了解有关员工对工作环境安全隐患,控制程序和安全工作操作的基本认识。
B1.4 Yellow workers are not being disciplined for raising safety concerns.在提高安全认知方面,员工不会受到惩戒。
Emergency Preparedness緊急情況應付。
B2 .4 Red the facility's program of emergency evacuation drills is adequate.工厂的緊急教育训练程序是恰當的。
B2 1 Red the facility adequately identified the likely types of emergencies that could affect the site and implemented appropriate preparedness and response programs to address them.工厂有足够特性的这种类型的应急措施,能够影响场所和执行适当的准备和反应程序说明给他们。
B2.2 Red fire detection and suppression systems are adequate for the nature of the facility's operations.火力侦測和滅火系统是足以應付一般工厂運作。
B2.3 Red Emergency exits, aisles and stairways are adequate in number and location, readily accessible, and properly maintained.应急出口,通道,楼梯在数量上和场所都是必不可少的。
B2.5 Red the facility have an adequate set of written emergency response plans and procedures in the event of a release of a chemical or material which could pose a hazard to the environment.如有對環境有害的化学物或廢料釋出時, 工厂须有一套应急方面的反应计划和程序。
B2.6 Yellow the worker interviews confirm that there has been an emergency evacuation drill for all work areas and shifts in the last 12 months.员工面试时确保在工作的区域作紧急疏散的训练,并执行至少12个月。
B2.7 Yellow the worker interviews reveal that workers know what to do in the event of a fire or other emergency situation.员工面试显示员工知道做哪些防火或其它危机形势。
B2.8 Yellow workers involved in the control, clean-up and disposal of hazardous materials receive regular training on emergency response plans and actions.员工在接受正规的危机(危险)处理的训练后,应会控制清除和处理危险材料。
Occupational Injury and Illness 職業傷害與疾病。
B3.1 Orange If there were work-related injuries in the past three years, the facility did perform investigations to determine root cause(s) and implement corrective actions.如果在过去3年内产生的工伤,工廠要執行调查, 決定根本原因並执行改善措施。
B3.2 Orange the facility has a process in place to provide medical treatment for injured or ill workers.工厂要有適當程序给予工伤或因工作生病的工人提供医学治疗。
B3.3 Yellow injury/illness and incident data are analyzed and utilized to reduce accidents .工伤及相關資料能分析和利用來减少事故的发生。
B3.4 Yellow the worker interviews reveal that they know what to do in the event they are injured or become ill on the job.员工訪談顯示當他們在工作中受伤或生病时,知道如何處理。
Industrial Hygiene.工廠整潔。
B4.1 Red the facility has implemented appropriate controls for worker exposures to chemical, biological and physical agents that exceeded legal requirements.当工人暴露化学物和身体上的超过法定要求,工厂要执行适当的控制。
B4.2 Orange The facility has implemented a program to identify, evaluate and control worker exposure to chemical, physical and biological agents.工厂要执行程序来识别,评估和控制工人暴露化学物的、物理的及生物的制濟。
B4.3 Orange If the use of personal protective equipment (PPE), such as respirators and hearing protection, is required to control worker exposures, it is consistently used where required.如果使用个别的保护的设备,像呼吸器和保护听力的,要需要员工暴露,哪里使用时有一致。
Physically demanding work.體力需求工作。
B5.1 Orange the facility effectively controls worker exposures to the hazards of physically demanding work (e.g. use of mechanical lifting aids, power hand tools, process automation, etc.)工厂有效的控制员工在危险的工作中暴露身体,比如使用机械的搬舉輔助, 動力板手, 工序自動化)。
B5.2 Yellow the facility implements an adequate program to identify, evaluate and control worker exposure to physically demanding work, such as manual handling, heavy lifting, highly repetitive tasks, and other physically demanding jobs to prevent work-related injuries.工厂执行程序来識别,评估和控制工人在危险的工作环境下暴露身体,比如手工處理、起重机,高度重复的任务和其它身體需求工作來預防工 傷)。
B5.3 Yellow the worker interviews reveal adequate efforts by the facility to control ergonomic hazards, including training for workers.員工訪談顯示藉由工廠來控制人類環境改造的危險的成效(包含員工訓練)。
Machine safeguarding.機械安全裝置。
B6.1 Red Points of operation and other potentially dangerous parts are properly guarded. isolated and maintained.操作点和其它潜在危险要正确守护临视。
B6.2 Red workers operate machinery safely, including proper use of machine safeguards and emergency stop switches.工人要安全的操作机器,包括机器安全保障说明的正确使用,和使用紧急停止开关。
B6.3 Orange the facility has a machine safeguarding program.有机械保护程序。
B6.4 Orange the responsible person can explain the applicable legal requirements and regulations for machine safety.负责人能解释适用合法要求及机械安全规章。
B6.5 Orange Maintenance records verify that safety devices are included in a routine preventative maintenance program.安全设备的保养记录检查包含日常性维修预防。
Dormitory and canteen.宿舍及食堂。
B7.1 Red Dormitories well maintained, with respect to exit facilities.宿舍良好的维护和有关的设备。
B7.2 Orange Dormitories are clean and well maintained, including adequate heat, ventilation, and lighting facilities.宿舍良的的维护和清洁,包含暖气,通风及照明等设备。
B7.3 Orange canteens (cafeterias) clean, well maintained, and managed in compliance with local health regulations.食堂干净,良好的供应,有做局部营养管理。
B7.4 Yellow the facility ensures that food service workers have received necessary health checks/certificates and training to help prevent transmission of communicable disease食堂供给能得到必要的健康检查证明与训练来帮助预防传染性疾病。
B7.5 Yellow workers provided with clean toilet facilities and access to potable water能提供干净的卫浴设备及可饮用的水给员工。
C: ENVIRONMENTAL 环境Environmental permits and reporting.环境许可及报告。
C1.1 Red-the site operations are in compliance with environmental permit/license conditions.工厂运作能符合环境许可/执照要求。
C1.2 Orange-All environmental permits/licenses are current.所有的环境许可/执照是现前有效的。
C2.1 Yellow-the facility made progress in reducing or eliminating pollution, waste and conserving resources.有效益在减轻与排除污染,浪费及储存资源方面有控管。
Hazardous substances. 有害物质。
C3.1 Red hazardous waste is categorized, handled, stored, transported and dispositioned using licensed vendor per local legislation.危险物质加以分类,处理,储存,运输及部署使用当地合法的厂商。
C3.2 Orange-the responsible person is able to explain the legal requirements for waste classification, handling, labeling, storage, transportation, disposition and how they are implemented at the site.负责人能废物分类,处理,贴标,储存,运输,部署,及如何在现场处理做解释。
C3.3 Orange-chemical and waste storage areas designed and maintained to prevent leaks and inadvertent mixing of incompatible materials.化学及废物储存区设计及持续预防漏洞及疏忽混合。
C3.4 Orange-hazardous chemicals or substances are labeled properly.有害经学或物质是有适当标识的。
C3.5 Orange-the facility audited/evaluated their vendor(s) to verify that waste is handled, stored and disposed of in accordance with local regulations, permit conditions and contract requirements.有能力审核/评价供商证明废物处理,储存及解决都依照当地的规章及许可条件及合同要求。
C3.6 Yellow-interviews of workers who work with chemicals or hazardous wastes show that they have been trained on the hazards of the materials and the precautions needed to protect their health and safety.工人的访谈,那些工作在化学与有害物质的工人有受过有害原料及预期防保护自身健康安全的训练。
C3.7 Yellow - interviews of workers who work with chemicals or hazardous wastes show that they are provided with chemical safety information in the form of labels, signs, chemical/material safety data sheets.工人的访谈,那些在化学或有害物质工作的人员,都有能提供化学安全资讯,从标识,符号,化学/材料安全资料表中得知。
Waste water and solid waste.废水和废物。
C4.1 Red-the discharged wastewater / stormwater meet the discharge limits for regulated constituents.排放废水,落石出储水池能符合当地法律规定。
C4.2 Orange-the responsible person is able to describe the legal requirements for the disposal and/or recycling of solid waste and how's it's implemented at the site.负责人能描述法律要求有关处理或废料回收,并且如何在现场操作。
C4.3 Orange-the responsible person is able to describe the applicable legal requirements for wastewater / stormwater monitoring and treatment.负责人要能够对废水/储水池的监控和处理的相关法律要求进行描化。
Air emissions.空气散热。
C5.1 Red-the air emissions meet the discharge limits for regulated constituents.散热需符合相关规定的排泄要求。
C5.2 Orange-the responsible person is able to describe the applicable legal requirements for air emissions monitoring and treatment.负责人能够描述空气散热监控和处理的相关应用的合法要求。
Product content restrictions.产品内容限重。
C6.1 Red the operations conform to product content legislation, regulation and customer requirements (e.g. restricted substances).操作要符合产品内容的法律,法规以及客户的要求(发如限重性的物质物质,元素)。
Company Commitment.公司義務。
D1.1 Red-If the facility has been subject to any labor regulatory actions where monetary penalties were assessed, or where formal corrective actions were mandated by the issuing government agency, the violations have been corrected or are on track for correction.工厂是尊守由地方政府签署的罚金评估的劳动法规或书面整改的承诺,纠正或监管纠正。
D1.2 Red-If the facility has been subject to any environmental regulatory actions where monetary penalties assessed, or where formal corrective actions mandated by the issuing government agency, have the violations been corrected or are they on track for correction.工厂尊守由地方政府签署的纠正或监管纠正的罚金的任何法律或书面整改的行为。
D1.3 Red-If the facility has been subject to any health and safety regulatory actions where monetary penalties assessed, or where formal corrective actions mandated by the issuing government agency, have the violations been corrected or are they on track for correction.工厂尊守由地方政府签署的健康安全的纠正或监管纠正的罚金的任何法律或书面整改的行为。
D1.4 Orange-the labor policy statement is appropriate for the nature of the facility's operations.劳动正策声明适合工厂自身运作。
D1.5 Orange-the ethics policy statement is appropriate for the nature of the facility's operations.道德规范适合工厂自身运作。
D1.6 Orange-the environmental, health & safety policy statement appropriate for the nature of the facility's operations.环境,健康,安全制度适合工厂自身运作。
Management Accountability and responsibility.管理意務與責職。
D2.1 Orange-the facility periodically assesses the status of the labor and ethics management system in order to identify improvement opportunities.工厂应有对劳动环境,道德规范管理系統进行周期性评估,以便鍳別改善時機。
D2.2 Orange-the facility periodically assesses the status of the environmental, health & safety management system in order to identify improvement opportunities.工厂应有对环境/健康安全进行周期限性评估鉴别,改进机会的管理体系。
D2.3 Yellow-the facility management representative has documented responsibility and authority for assuring and facilitating compliance with labor and ethics laws, regulations and codes.工厂管理代表名文规定责任和权威,确保适应劳动, 道德规范法律法规 。
D2.4 Yellow-the facility management representative has documented responsibility and authority for assuring and facilitating compliance with environmental, health & safety laws, regulations and codes.工厂管理代表名文规定确保适应环境,健康安全的法律法规的责任和权威。
D2.5 Yellow-the facility has appropriately defined and documented labor and ethics responsibilities and authorities for managers, supervisors and workers.公司对员工有成文的劳动条例知道德规范。
D2.6 Yellow-the facility has appropriately defined and documented environmental, health & safety responsibilities and authorities for managers, supervisors and workers. 公司对员工有成文的环境,健康和安全措施政策。
Legal and Customer Requirements.法律與規定要求。
D3.1 Orange-the responsible person has a good understanding of the labor and ethics laws, regulations and customer requirements that apply to the facility's operations.负责人能熟悉劳动法,道德规范,公司规章制度及各户要求,以适应工厂运作。
D3.2 Orange-the responsible person has a good understanding of the environmental, health & safety laws, regulations and customer requirements that apply to the facility's operations. 为适应工厂运作,负责人要正确理解环境,健康和安全知识,制度及客户要求。
D3.3 Yellow-the facility has implemented a system to identify, monitor and understand applicable labor and ethics laws, regulations and customer requirements.公司有正识别,管控和理解劳动及道德规范,规章制度和客户要求的体系。
D3.4 Yellow-the facility has implemented a system to identify, monitor and understand applicable environmental, health & safety laws, regulations and customer requirements.公司对环境,健康,安全意识,规章制铳及客户要求有适当的管控体系。
Risk Assessment and Risk Management.風險評估與管理。
D4.1 Orange-Has the facility adequately identified its labor practices and business ethics risks and implemented appropriate procedural controls.公司会适当地对员工技能,生意道德规范进行程序上的控制。
D4.2 Orange-Has the facility adequately identified its environmental, health & safety risks and implemented appropriate procedural controls. 公司会适当地对环境,健康及安全隐患进行控制。
D4.3 Yellow-the facility implemented a process for labor and ethics risk assessment and risk management that is adequate for the scope and nature of the operations.公司对道德规范危害及管理有专门的程序。
D4.4 Yellow-the facility implemented a process for environmental, health & safety risk assessment and risk management that is adequate for the scope and nature of the operations.公司实施环境,健康,安全隐患难及管理程序。
Performance Objectives.執行目標。
D5.1 Orange-the facility regularly review its progress toward achieving its labor and ethics objectives and make appropriate adjustments if they are off track.公司定期对劳动和道德规范进行检察院查,当有不当之处及时调整。
D5.2 Orange-the facility regularly review its progress toward achieving its environmental, health & safety objectives and make appropriate adjustments if they are off track.公司定其检查环境,健康和安全,能便函出错时做出适当调整。
D5.3 Yellow-the facility implemented an appropriate process for establishing labor and ethics performance objectives, targets and implementation plans.公司员工道德规范,目标计划有着适当的程序。
D5.4 Yellow-the facility implemented an appropriate process for establishing environmental, health & safety performance objectives, targets and implementation plans. 公司有专门的程序用于高立健康,环境,安全,目标及实离施计划。
D5.5 Yellow-the worker interviews reveal that workers are aware of the labor and ethics performance objectives relevant to them.员工对他们息息相关的劳动法,道德规范意识有一定的认知。
D5.6 Yellow-the worker interviews reveal that workers are aware of the environmental, health & safety performance objectives relevant to them.员工对环境,健康及安全有一定的认知。
- 上一篇:EICC认证程序文件清单
- 下一篇:EICC认证环境标准要求