Target 人权验厂程序
2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
Target 人权验厂程序(全球遵约)
Target Global Compliance Audit Process
Target 全球遵约(人权)验厂程序
Compliance audits are conducted to ensure all vendors and their factories meet the requirements of local laws, federal regulations, U.S Customs requirements and Target's policies.
全球遵约(人权)验厂程序被执行以确保所有供应商及其工厂符合以下标准: 当地法律的要求, 美国联邦政府规章, 美国海关要求及Target公司政策.
***Compliance Audits are:
1. Mandatory-All registered vendors and factories are required to participate and are subject to compliance audits.
2. Unannounced-No notification is given to weither the vendor or factory in advance of the compliance audit. This allows us to see the factory on a typical day.
不事先通知的(突击)-无论是供应商还是工厂在全球遵约验厂前都不会得到事先通知. 这样可以使我们在一个具有代表性一天来了解工厂.
3. Verification of Global Compliance registration informatin-Information in BPM, including address information and contact information must be accurate and up-to-date. U.S. Customs and Border Protection required Target to know where our products are being produced.
对于全球遵约注册信息的查证-对于供应商在Target"生意伙伴管理系统"注册的信息, 包括工厂地址及联系信息必须准确且最新. 美国海关与边防局要求Target了解我们的产品是在哪里生产的.
4. Factory has up to three chances to become compliant with local laws and Target Standards of Vendor Engagement. Vendor will be required to pay for the third audit if a third audit is necessary.
每个工厂至多有三次机会通过全球遵约验厂(遵从当地法律规定与Target供应商合约准则). 如果必须进行第三次(最后一次机会)验厂, 工厂或供应商需支付第三次验厂费用.
Unannouced Factory Audit consists of 7 parts:
1. Opening Meeting-Auditor will expain the intent of visit and the audit process.
2. Factory tour-General Walkthrough of the factory and dorms(if applicable)
3. Employee interviews-Confidential, conducted one-to-one of in small groups.
雇员面谈-秘密的, 一对一或分小组进行面谈
4. Factory management interview-Review hiring process, factory rules, work schedules, and other procedures used by factory management.
工厂管理层面谈-评估雇佣程序, 工厂规章制度, 工作计划, 以及工厂管理的其它程序.
5. Country of Origina review-Review production records and shipping records.
6. Closing meeting-Review any findings found during the audit with factory management. This includes detailing how to correct the issue(s) and negotiate the "correct by" date. The audit recap is signed by both the auditor and factory management and a copy is left with the factory.
结束会议-与工厂管理层评论审验期间发现的问题. 包括详细的如何改正发现的问题以及协议改正日期. 然后一份"验厂概要"需要验厂员和工厂管理人员共同签署, 且留一份拷贝于工厂.
Types of Audits:
First Round Audit:
1. This is Target initial audit of a factory to determine if the factory is acceptable.
2. Target pays for the first and second audits. After the second audit, if a follow-up audit is required the vendor will be charged per additional audit.
Target支付第一次和第二次验厂费用. 第二次以后, 如果需要进行跟踪验厂, 工厂或供应商需支付本次额外验厂费用.
3. There are a maximum of three audits
Examples of Findings found during an audit
Most common issues found in a factory during a compliance audit
1. Fire Safety, Exits and Equipment
消防安全, 紧急出口及设备
2. First Aid equipment not properly supplied
3. Missing or incomplete personnel records
4. Payroll and time keeping system not being properly used
5. Lack of proper Country of Origin documentation-records must be maintained for 5 years per U.S. Customs and Border Protection
缺少合理的原产国记录档案-根据美国海关与边防局, 记录档案需保存5年
6. Wages-regular and overtime not being properly paid
Audit finds are reviewed with factory management at the end of the audit
验厂结束, 验厂结果与工厂管理层评阅
Factory agrees to a specified time frame as to when issues will be corrected
Note: A factory will be unregistered and assigned Non-compliant status if one or more of the following is found during the audit:
注: 如果审验期间发现以下一个或多个问题, 该工厂将被解除注册且认定为"不合约(不合格)"状态.
The following are considred Severe Violations and will result in non-compliance factory status at any point in time not just after a 3rd audit. The factory would then not be able to be used for up to 3 years.
以下被认为是"严重违犯"并且在任何时间内(不只是第三次验厂之后)会使该工厂被认定为"不合约(不合格)"状态. 且三年内不得用该工厂.
1. Child Labor 使用童工
2. Forced Labor 强迫劳动力
3. Corporal Punishment 体罚
4. Illegal Transshipment 非法转运
or 或
1. Two denied audit
2. 3rd audit of the first round of audits
3. 2nd sustainability audit
Global Compliance will assess financial penalties for the following:
1. Denied Audits-Auditor arrives to the factory and is declinded access to conduct a factory audit.
2. Inaccurate Audits-The factory name/address information is not correct or up-to-date in BPM
3. Unregistered Factory-Failure to register subcontractor/factories that are producing Target owned brand product(including subcontractors)
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