2018-07-06 14:19 作者:admin
1、Accreditation Certificates such as ISO9001、ISO14001 etc、ISO9001;认证证书。
2、Approved Vendor List;合格供应商名录。
3、Quality manual;品质手册。
4、All technique data sheets for one specification; 列举一种规格的所有技术资料。
5、Supplier audit reports and records;供应商审核报告和记录。
6、Incoming material control procedure/working instruction, inspection/testing records;来料检验控制程序、检验标准及测试记录。
7、Production identification and traceability control procedure;产品标示和追溯控制程序
8、Production tools such as soldering iron, screwdrivers inspection/calibration records;烙铁,静电环,电批点检记录。
9、First article inspection records;首件检验记录。
10、IPQC inspection standard and record;制程检验标准及记录。
11、Repair records and re-test records;产品维修记录及维修后测试记录。
12、Working instruction sheet for production including packing; 生产过程及包装作业指导书。
13、OQC inspection procedure and records internal and external;成品检验标准及记录。
14、Process for preventing shortage packing;防止产品短装少数程序。
15、Root causes analyze & corrective action for products defects;不良品的根原因分析及纠正措施。
16、Testing equipment calibration plan and records;测试设备校正计划及记录。
17、Testing Instruction sheet and records;测试程序作业指导书及记录。
18、Customer complain handling procedure and records;客户投诉程序及记录。
19、Records of and training for operator and QC; 重点岗位和QC培训记录。
20、Device list and maintained records;设备清单及维修记录。

- 上一篇:COSTCO GMP质量验厂重点注意事项
- 下一篇:BV审核Argos质量验厂清单