2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
A Shared Commitment 一个共享的承诺
Our business partners are required to recognize and respect the right of their employees to freedom of association (FOA) and collective bargaining. Employees should be free to join organizations of their choice. Employees should not be subjected to intimidation or harassment in the exercise of their right to join or to refrain from joining any organization.
What does it Mean? 这意味着什么?
FOA means the employer will not interfere or retaliate, in any form, against workers who want to exercise their right to join or form unions of their own choosing, and to permit a legally formed union to bargain collectively as a way to protect the legal rights of their members, and as a way to improve their working conditions this does not mean that in order for a factory to be in compliance with foa it must have a union, but it should have a policy that should the workers choose to form or join one, their right be respected.
What do You need to do? 你需要做些什么?
All workers and employers have the right to establish and to join organizations of their choice to promote and defend their respective interests, and to negotiate collectively with the other party they should be able to do this freely, without interference by the other party or the government Worker freedoms to associate and collectively bargain are recognized in international labor standards as the basic building blocks for healthy employer worker relations these rights are a reflection of human dignity as they guarantee protection against discrimination, interference and harassment rights of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining must be respected Businesses must ensure:
• there is a written foa policy which is regularly communicated to all workers, via postings, trainings and/or
inclusion in employee handbooks the policy should recognize and affirm a commitment to uphold the right to
freedom of association as part of the body of universal human rights
• there is no discrimination against those who choose to form or join unions or who choose not to belong to a union
• Worker representatives are democratically chosen by their peers, without management interference or influence
• When there is a union, there are formal processes for two-way communication between the union(s) as legal
representatives of the workers and management and for union/ worker participation in workplace decision-making
• all negotiations between the employer and the legally formed union(s), which are part of the collective
bargaining process, are made in good faith
Healthy employer- worker relations can yield significant performance improvements. Several academic and company studies indicate that increased employee satisfaction, due to a working environment where workers rights are respected and supported, leads to higher quality products and improved productivity. More effective resolution of worker grievances will result in improved trust between workers and management. Good relationships with worker representatives and groups limit the potential for work stoppages due to worker dissatisfaction (e.g. strikes) which can result in delays in production.

- 上一篇:PVH行为守则(六)童工
- 下一篇:PVH行为守则(八)自由结社(续)