2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
A Shared Commitment
Employees of our business partners must be at least 15 years old or over the age required for completion of compulsory education in the country of manufacture, whichever is higher. Our business partners are also required to observe all legal requirements for the work of authorized minors, including those pertaining to hours of work, wages, work type and working conditions.
WHat does it mean? 这意味着什么?
The use of Child labor occurs when an employer hires a worker who is either too young to work, they are below the age of required for compulsory education, or younger than the legal minimum age for employment Juvenile employees working beyond the legal limits, under hazardous conditions and certain types of industrial work will also be classified as Child labor violations.
What do You need to do? 你需要做什么?
the use of Child labor has negative impacts on children and consequentially all of society Companies must protect the
rights of children and young workers by:
• implementing internal policies that prohibit the recruitment of under-age workers
• implementing a system of age verification
• ensuring young workers do not work in hazardous conditions
• Providing financial and other support to young workers who may be found in, or forced into, the workforce
Despite the common perception that children have higher dexterity and lower cost, research indicates that these advantages are more perceived than real. Children, in general, have a shorter attention span and low quality control appreciation resulting in higher rejection rates and therefore no net savings. Additionally, the use of child labor can reduce the upcoming pool of healthy, educated and well-motivated workers that will be needed for future growth and innovation.
Minimum Working Age: the legal age requirement for employment that is mandated by the government and/or defined by international law
Juvenile Workers: employees who are between the minimum working age and the age of 18, typically they need written permission to work
Hazardous Work: Conditions by which work would be considered hazardous include:
• Work which exposes child labor to physical,psychological or sexual abuse Work
underground, underwater, at dangerous heights or in confined spaces
• Work with dangerous machinery, equipment, tools, or requires heavy handling
• Work which is performed in an unhealthy or hazardous environment, or under
particularly difficult conditions
Night Work: any work done between 1 pm and 5 am is considered night work, unless there are country regulations that identify it differently.
Analyzing and maintaining proper records for age verification, juvenile workers, and apprentice or vocational students is essential to ensure compliance with Child labor standards Keeping the following documentation on file will help resolve any allegations of Child labor.
• employee files should contain copies of age verification documentation such as birth certificate, driver’s license, passport, etc.
• Juvenile worker files should have permission from school or legal entity allowing the juvenile worker to be able to work
• employer should maintain a registry for juvenile workers, apprentices, vocational students that easily identifies all workers' job and working hours.

- 上一篇:PVH行为守则(三)骚扰与虐待
- 下一篇:PVH行为守则(七)自由结社