2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
2.7 Is there evidence that all employee's normal working hours comply with local laws or agreements? 有证据表明正常工作时间符合法规
2.8 Is there evidence that all employee's overtime working hours comply with local laws or agreements? 有证据表明加班时间符合法规
2.9 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to working hours?对于工作时间的查核,审核员可以进入车间、查询文件和员工访谈来证实
3.4 Do all workers wages meet the minimum local and national legal requirement?员工工资符合当地法律法规
3.5 Does the facility withhold any wages that are not allowed by local or national law?工厂有截留员工的工资吗
3.7 Is the frequency that the facility pays wages within local and national legal requirements?员工工资低于当地工资标准吗?
4.1 Does the facility have policies in place to assure understanding and compliance with all laws relating to child labor?有关于童工的保护政策吗?
5.4 Does the facility make any illegal monetary withholdings from the employees wages (such as training fees, broker fees, employment fees, etc)?工厂有非法的扣款(如培训费、介绍费等)
5.5 Are the factories policies regarding overtime work in accordance with local and/or national laws?工厂加班工作是符合法律法规吗
5.6 Is there evidence of employees being required to work overtime in violation of national and local law?有证据证明员工加班有违背法律法规吗
5.7 Is there evidence of employees being coerced into working overtime hours in violation of national and local law?
5.8 Is there evidence of employees being retaliated against for refusing to work overtime hours beyond the requirements of national and local law?
5.1 During normal working hours are employees allowed restroom and water breaks as needed?在工作时间内员工可以有喝水和去洗手间的自由吗
6.2 Is there any evidence to suggest discriminatory practices are taking place (i.e. promotions, compensation, termination, race, sex, age, etc.)?有证据证实工厂有歧视行为发生吗(基于升职、报酬、辞退、性别、种族、年龄等)
6.3 Are employee's wages commensurate with experience and skill level regardless of age, sex, race, etc?员工工资是基于经验和技能,不管年龄、性别、种族等方面的影响
6.4 When employees are offered the opportunity to work overtime, is it in accordance with local regulations?员工加班是符合当地规定吗?
6.5 Is there any evidence of illegal practices regarding the hiring of pregnant female workers?有证据证实对怀孕女的非法雇佣吗?
6.6 Is there any evidence of sexual harassment of workers?有性骚扰吗?
7.2 Does the factory use monetary deductions from pay as a means of discipline that are not compliant with local and national law?对纪律方面的处罚是非法扣款吗
7.4 Are discplinary actions used by the company in accordance with local laws and regulations?纪律处分行为是基于当地的法律法规吗
7.6 Is there any evidence of the employees being subjected to an abusive working and or living environment?有证据证实员工在工作和生活的环境中有被辱骂
7.8 Is there any evidence of in-appropriate activity as it relates to intrusion into personal living space or in-appropriate physical contact?非法侵入个人隐私和身体接触的行为
1.3 Does the factory ensure there is adequate ventilation in the workplace for the tasks being performed?车间的通风设施良好?
11.3 Does the facility provide for the upkeep of the dormitory in a clean and well maintained manner (including such things as protection from the elements, temperature extremes and providing adequate lighting and ventilation)?宿舍维护良好
11.4 Does the facility provide an effective fire safety program and escape plan from the dormitory in case of emergency and in accordance with all local and national laws?宿舍的消防安全和疏散图好吗?
11.5 Does the facility provide adequate and clear escape paths including fire escapes, exits and appropriate lighting and signage and in accordance with all local and national laws?车间有适宜的清晰的逃生图(包括消防通道、安全出口、应急灯,引导标识等)
11.6 Does the factory provide adequate fire extinguishing equipment including fire hoses, hydrants and portable extinguishers in the dormitory and in accordance with all local and national laws?宿舍有消防器材吗?
12.1 Does the facility have policies in place to assure understanding and compliance of laws relating to dining conditions and requirements?有食堂的相关政策吗?
13.2 If required by law does the facility have a valid fire inspection certificate issued by the appropriate agency?有效的消防检查证书?
13.3 Does the factory have fire alarm systems installed and properly functioning throughout the facility and is it in compliance with local and national laws?整个工厂有火灾警报系统吗?
13.4 Are these fire alarm systems properly and regularly maintained and is it in compliance with local and national laws?火灾警报系统有保养和正常运行吗?
13.5 Is the fire-fighting equipment of the correct type, size and quantity for the factory operations and is it in compliance with local and national laws?消防设施在数量、型号和大小上适宜的吗?
13.6 Is fire-fighting equipment readily accessible?消防器材容易接近和看见的吗?
13.7 Are fire extinguishers, hydrants, hoses, etc visible, properly located and installed throughout the facility and is it in compliance with local and national laws?消防器材安装在可见的、正确的位置上吗?
13.8 Are all fire extinguishers, hydrants, hoses, etc properly maintained, identified and ready for use at all times and is it in compliance with local and national laws?有维护和检查吗?
13.9 Is there a sufficient number of emergency exits available for all buildings and is it in compliance with local and national laws?整个工厂的消防设施足够吗
13.1 Are all emergency exits accessible, unlocked and free of blockage in all buildings and is it in compliance with local and national laws?安全出口是可见的、没锁的和没有被堵塞?
13.11 Are all emergency exits clearly identified and is it in compliance with local and national laws?安全出口容易识别吗?
13.12 Are emergency exits located close enough to allow employees from different areas access to them in the event of an emergency and is it in compliance with local and national laws?
13.13 Do all of the emergency exits meet local law in regard to type, direction and size of opening?安全出口指示牌符合于法规的类型、方向和尺寸?
13.15 Are all walkways clear of obstuctions at all times (aisles, stairways, doorways, passageways, etc) and is it in compliance with local and national laws?所有的通道(走廊、楼梯、门廊、通道等)无如何障碍物堵塞
13.16 Is all fire-fighting equipment inspected on a regular basis?消防器材经常检查吗?
13.17 If required by law is adequate emergency lighting available throughout the facility?整个工厂有应急灯吗?
14.2 Are adequate first aid kits properly stocked with supplies and available in all working are of the facility and in accordance with local and national laws?工作区域有药箱吗?
16.3 Does the factory possess valid permits required by all applicable laws for the operation of the factory’s equipment, including, but not limited to, elevators, boilers, furnaces/ovens and pressure vessels?电梯、锅炉、火炉、烤箱、压力容器等有操作许可证
16.7 Does the facility provide for an appropriate eye and hearing protection program that ensures evaluation of need and use of appropriate PPE by the affected employees?工厂有提供保护视力和听力的流程吗?
16.8 In instances where the specific job function creates unique hazards have the appropriate PPE been provided for and in use by the employee ( ie. welding shields, goggles, helmets, burn protection, safety shoes, etc.)?防护用品对特别工种
17.3 Does the factory possess all valid permits and licenses as required by law to store, handle, use and dispose of all regulated and hazardous chemicals, materials and waste?
17.4 Are appropriate and legally required controls in place to reduce or limit employee's exposure to hazardous chemicals, materials or waste? This may include ventilation systems, extraction systems, reduced shift hours, PPE, etc.
17.5 Is the facility storing, handling, labeling, using and disposing of chemicals and materials in accordance with all national and local laws?储存、处理、标识使用和处置化学品的符合法律规定
17.8 Does the factory follow disposal instructions specified in the MSDS or on product labeling, and as required by local and national law? 化学品的标识和MSDS的粘贴
17.9 Does the factory handle and store hazardous chemicals or materials properly and ensuring spills and leakages do not occur?正确处理和储存危废品
17.11 Does the factory have an appropriate and effective PPE program in place ensuring protection from exposure to either hazardous chemicals or materials?(个人防护文件)
18.2 Have all permits required by law for discharge and disposal of waste been obtained and are they valid (appropriate for the disposal type and have not expired)?(废物排放许可)
18.3 Is the factory in full compliance with their environmental permits and licensing as required by law?环境检测报告
18.6 Are all wastewater/storm-water discharges within the legal permitted limits?废水排放证书(废水检测报告)
18.7 Are all air emissions within the legal permitted limits?废气排放许可(废气检测报告)
18.12 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to Environmental Requirements?对环境方面允许审核员进入工厂、查阅文件,员工访谈吗?
18.13 Could all of the above questions regarding Environmental Requirements be verified by the auditor during this visit?
4.3 Does the factory comply with both local law for minimum age requirements and Lowe's minimum age requirements of 16 years old?童工
4.6 Is the factory in compliance with local or national laws that regulate restrictions on limits for young workers for this locality?限制未成年工工作
4.1 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to child labor? 允许审核员进入或查核
5.2 Are all employees at the factory of their own free will and not imprisoned, indentured or forced to work in any manner as required by local or national law?
5.3 Does the factory illegally limit, restrict or confiscate没收 personal documents (passports, IDs, etc)?工厂有非法限制、没收员工的证明文件(如护照、厂证
5.9 Is there evidence of employees not being able to leave the premises outside of their normal working hours?在正常工作时间内,员工不可以离开工作场所吗?
5.12 Was any evidence of either physical or verbal abuse discovered during the audit?有发现肢体或口头的辱骂
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2.5 Are employees provided a day off in compliance with any and all national and local consecutive days worked laws? 7休1政策执行2.7 Is there evidence that all employee's normal working hours comply with local laws or agreements? 有证据表明正常工作时间符合法规
2.8 Is there evidence that all employee's overtime working hours comply with local laws or agreements? 有证据表明加班时间符合法规
2.9 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to working hours?对于工作时间的查核,审核员可以进入车间、查询文件和员工访谈来证实
3.4 Do all workers wages meet the minimum local and national legal requirement?员工工资符合当地法律法规
3.5 Does the facility withhold any wages that are not allowed by local or national law?工厂有截留员工的工资吗
3.7 Is the frequency that the facility pays wages within local and national legal requirements?员工工资低于当地工资标准吗?
4.1 Does the facility have policies in place to assure understanding and compliance with all laws relating to child labor?有关于童工的保护政策吗?
5.4 Does the facility make any illegal monetary withholdings from the employees wages (such as training fees, broker fees, employment fees, etc)?工厂有非法的扣款(如培训费、介绍费等)
5.5 Are the factories policies regarding overtime work in accordance with local and/or national laws?工厂加班工作是符合法律法规吗
5.6 Is there evidence of employees being required to work overtime in violation of national and local law?有证据证明员工加班有违背法律法规吗
5.7 Is there evidence of employees being coerced into working overtime hours in violation of national and local law?
5.8 Is there evidence of employees being retaliated against for refusing to work overtime hours beyond the requirements of national and local law?
5.1 During normal working hours are employees allowed restroom and water breaks as needed?在工作时间内员工可以有喝水和去洗手间的自由吗
6.2 Is there any evidence to suggest discriminatory practices are taking place (i.e. promotions, compensation, termination, race, sex, age, etc.)?有证据证实工厂有歧视行为发生吗(基于升职、报酬、辞退、性别、种族、年龄等)
6.3 Are employee's wages commensurate with experience and skill level regardless of age, sex, race, etc?员工工资是基于经验和技能,不管年龄、性别、种族等方面的影响
6.4 When employees are offered the opportunity to work overtime, is it in accordance with local regulations?员工加班是符合当地规定吗?
6.5 Is there any evidence of illegal practices regarding the hiring of pregnant female workers?有证据证实对怀孕女的非法雇佣吗?
6.6 Is there any evidence of sexual harassment of workers?有性骚扰吗?
7.2 Does the factory use monetary deductions from pay as a means of discipline that are not compliant with local and national law?对纪律方面的处罚是非法扣款吗
7.4 Are discplinary actions used by the company in accordance with local laws and regulations?纪律处分行为是基于当地的法律法规吗
7.6 Is there any evidence of the employees being subjected to an abusive working and or living environment?有证据证实员工在工作和生活的环境中有被辱骂
7.8 Is there any evidence of in-appropriate activity as it relates to intrusion into personal living space or in-appropriate physical contact?非法侵入个人隐私和身体接触的行为
1.3 Does the factory ensure there is adequate ventilation in the workplace for the tasks being performed?车间的通风设施良好?
11.3 Does the facility provide for the upkeep of the dormitory in a clean and well maintained manner (including such things as protection from the elements, temperature extremes and providing adequate lighting and ventilation)?宿舍维护良好
11.4 Does the facility provide an effective fire safety program and escape plan from the dormitory in case of emergency and in accordance with all local and national laws?宿舍的消防安全和疏散图好吗?
11.5 Does the facility provide adequate and clear escape paths including fire escapes, exits and appropriate lighting and signage and in accordance with all local and national laws?车间有适宜的清晰的逃生图(包括消防通道、安全出口、应急灯,引导标识等)
11.6 Does the factory provide adequate fire extinguishing equipment including fire hoses, hydrants and portable extinguishers in the dormitory and in accordance with all local and national laws?宿舍有消防器材吗?
12.1 Does the facility have policies in place to assure understanding and compliance of laws relating to dining conditions and requirements?有食堂的相关政策吗?
13.2 If required by law does the facility have a valid fire inspection certificate issued by the appropriate agency?有效的消防检查证书?
13.3 Does the factory have fire alarm systems installed and properly functioning throughout the facility and is it in compliance with local and national laws?整个工厂有火灾警报系统吗?
13.4 Are these fire alarm systems properly and regularly maintained and is it in compliance with local and national laws?火灾警报系统有保养和正常运行吗?
13.5 Is the fire-fighting equipment of the correct type, size and quantity for the factory operations and is it in compliance with local and national laws?消防设施在数量、型号和大小上适宜的吗?
13.6 Is fire-fighting equipment readily accessible?消防器材容易接近和看见的吗?
13.7 Are fire extinguishers, hydrants, hoses, etc visible, properly located and installed throughout the facility and is it in compliance with local and national laws?消防器材安装在可见的、正确的位置上吗?
13.8 Are all fire extinguishers, hydrants, hoses, etc properly maintained, identified and ready for use at all times and is it in compliance with local and national laws?有维护和检查吗?
13.9 Is there a sufficient number of emergency exits available for all buildings and is it in compliance with local and national laws?整个工厂的消防设施足够吗
13.1 Are all emergency exits accessible, unlocked and free of blockage in all buildings and is it in compliance with local and national laws?安全出口是可见的、没锁的和没有被堵塞?
13.11 Are all emergency exits clearly identified and is it in compliance with local and national laws?安全出口容易识别吗?
13.12 Are emergency exits located close enough to allow employees from different areas access to them in the event of an emergency and is it in compliance with local and national laws?
13.13 Do all of the emergency exits meet local law in regard to type, direction and size of opening?安全出口指示牌符合于法规的类型、方向和尺寸?
13.15 Are all walkways clear of obstuctions at all times (aisles, stairways, doorways, passageways, etc) and is it in compliance with local and national laws?所有的通道(走廊、楼梯、门廊、通道等)无如何障碍物堵塞
13.16 Is all fire-fighting equipment inspected on a regular basis?消防器材经常检查吗?
13.17 If required by law is adequate emergency lighting available throughout the facility?整个工厂有应急灯吗?
14.2 Are adequate first aid kits properly stocked with supplies and available in all working are of the facility and in accordance with local and national laws?工作区域有药箱吗?
16.3 Does the factory possess valid permits required by all applicable laws for the operation of the factory’s equipment, including, but not limited to, elevators, boilers, furnaces/ovens and pressure vessels?电梯、锅炉、火炉、烤箱、压力容器等有操作许可证
16.7 Does the facility provide for an appropriate eye and hearing protection program that ensures evaluation of need and use of appropriate PPE by the affected employees?工厂有提供保护视力和听力的流程吗?
16.8 In instances where the specific job function creates unique hazards have the appropriate PPE been provided for and in use by the employee ( ie. welding shields, goggles, helmets, burn protection, safety shoes, etc.)?防护用品对特别工种
17.3 Does the factory possess all valid permits and licenses as required by law to store, handle, use and dispose of all regulated and hazardous chemicals, materials and waste?
17.4 Are appropriate and legally required controls in place to reduce or limit employee's exposure to hazardous chemicals, materials or waste? This may include ventilation systems, extraction systems, reduced shift hours, PPE, etc.
17.5 Is the facility storing, handling, labeling, using and disposing of chemicals and materials in accordance with all national and local laws?储存、处理、标识使用和处置化学品的符合法律规定
17.8 Does the factory follow disposal instructions specified in the MSDS or on product labeling, and as required by local and national law? 化学品的标识和MSDS的粘贴
17.9 Does the factory handle and store hazardous chemicals or materials properly and ensuring spills and leakages do not occur?正确处理和储存危废品
17.11 Does the factory have an appropriate and effective PPE program in place ensuring protection from exposure to either hazardous chemicals or materials?(个人防护文件)
18.2 Have all permits required by law for discharge and disposal of waste been obtained and are they valid (appropriate for the disposal type and have not expired)?(废物排放许可)
18.3 Is the factory in full compliance with their environmental permits and licensing as required by law?环境检测报告
18.6 Are all wastewater/storm-water discharges within the legal permitted limits?废水排放证书(废水检测报告)
18.7 Are all air emissions within the legal permitted limits?废气排放许可(废气检测报告)
18.12 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to Environmental Requirements?对环境方面允许审核员进入工厂、查阅文件,员工访谈吗?
18.13 Could all of the above questions regarding Environmental Requirements be verified by the auditor during this visit?
4.3 Does the factory comply with both local law for minimum age requirements and Lowe's minimum age requirements of 16 years old?童工
4.6 Is the factory in compliance with local or national laws that regulate restrictions on limits for young workers for this locality?限制未成年工工作
4.1 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to child labor? 允许审核员进入或查核
5.2 Are all employees at the factory of their own free will and not imprisoned, indentured or forced to work in any manner as required by local or national law?
5.3 Does the factory illegally limit, restrict or confiscate没收 personal documents (passports, IDs, etc)?工厂有非法限制、没收员工的证明文件(如护照、厂证
5.9 Is there evidence of employees not being able to leave the premises outside of their normal working hours?在正常工作时间内,员工不可以离开工作场所吗?
5.12 Was any evidence of either physical or verbal abuse discovered during the audit?有发现肢体或口头的辱骂
5.14 Was the auditor allowed adequate access to facilities, documents and employees to verify the factories practices as they relate to forced labor?允许审核员进入或查核强迫劳工

- 上一篇:劳氏验厂一定不可出现下列问题(4)
- 下一篇:劳氏验厂一定不可出现下列问题(2)