2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
1、Are the premises protected from unauthorized access (perimeter fencing, access controls or natural barriers)? 2 2所有房屋防止非授权人员进出吗
2、Are all buildings constructed of materials that resist unlawful entry and protect against outside intrusion? 1 2 所有建筑物的材料是有防止非法侵入
3、Are all doors/windows/openings locked to prevent unauthorized access to the facility after business hours? 1 2 所有的门、窗和门锁在下班时间可以防止非授权人员进入工厂?
4、Is conveyance integrity maintained to prevent the introduction of unauthorized personnel or material into a container/trailer/railcar? Are containers sealed and or locked during unloading pauses and after loading and prior to departure so tampering would be evident? 2 2有对非法侵入集装箱、拖车等人员或货物维护控制,有封条和挂锁来防止在货物装运休息期间非法侵入的控制吗?
5、Are procedures in place to ensure unauthorized and unidentified persons are restricted and prevented access to the truck pad, trailer and container storage areas? 2 2有程序在现场来证实工厂对货车、拖车、集装箱停放区域的非法侵入的控制
6、Is all access to the facility controlled by gate and/or security officer to ensure no unauthorized access and all vehicles and containers logged in and out accordingly?在大门口有保安人员对所有的外来车辆、集装箱等未经授权进入的控制并如实登记

- 上一篇:劳氏Lowes验厂准则产品描述(1)
- 下一篇:劳氏验厂一定不可出现下列问题(3)