2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
Costco Factory Capability Audit combines both quality management systems as well as good manufacturing practices Since on Dec. 8,214(before that, it was QMS audit). Costco 工厂能力审核 自2014年12 月8 日起结合了质量管理体系和良好生产规范要求的审核 (在此之前,只是质量管理体系审核)
SGS is authorized for Costco Capability Audit since 26. All Costco factories will be audited by a 3 rd party. Factory or supplier apply audit from Costco. The 3 rd party lab assignment is random. Assigned third party quote, arrange schedule, conduct audit within 3 work days.
SGS自26年起被授权Costco 工厂能力审核 。所有Costco的工厂都要经过第三方审核。 Costco协调员会随意指定公证行进行审核。 工厂或中间商直接向Costco 申请审核. 第三方报价,排期,实施审核,要求3 天内完成。
Remark: Different qualified third party use itself audit checklist, it is different from the other qualified third party. All in all, these checklists are accredited by Costco.
注意:不同公正行用的审核检查表是不同的。但都已被Costco 认可。
Document list is prepared for on site audit and for factory preparation审核前会发给工厂文件清单准备