2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
Workplace Practice生产场所活动
At TCCC, we support fair employment practices in our relationship with our employees consistent with a commitment to human rights in our workplace, and we seek to provide a safe environment in which to work. We abide by all applicable labor laws addressing working hours, compensation, employees’ rights to choose whether to be represented by third parties and to bargain collectively, working conditions, and other such workplace practices. We seek to create a workplace where individuals are treated with dignity, fairness and respect. We recognize value, respect and celebrate the cultural differences and diversity of background and thought of our employees.
在TCCC, 我们支持同我们的员工建立一种公平的雇雇佣关系, 使得我们的员工享受到与我们与工作环境相关的人权所作的承诺相一致的人权. 同时, 我们致力于为他们提供一个安全的工作环境. 我们遵从于所有适用的, 且与工作时间, 报酬, 员工是否选择第三方为代表来进行劳资谈判, 工作条件, 以及其它所有与工作环境.相关的方面. 我们也致力于创建一种保护员工尊严, 尊重员工, 公平对待员工的工作环境. 我们认同员工的不同价值观, 尊重并崇尚不同的文化背景的差异性及员工信仰的多样性.
We expect our Merchandise Manufacturers to follow applicable laws, and similar standards and principles in the countries in which they operate. TCCC’s Code defines requirements concerning working conditions that must be met by the Merchandise Manufacturers in the production of merchandise bearing any of our trademarks.
Workplace Practice生产场所活动
At TCCC, we support fair employment practices in our relationship with our employees consistent with a commitment to human rights in our workplace, and we seek to provide a safe environment in which to work. We abide by all applicable labor laws addressing working hours, compensation, employees’ rights to choose whether to be represented by third parties and to bargain collectively, working conditions, and other such workplace practices. We seek to create a workplace where individuals are treated with dignity, fairness and respect. We recognize value, respect and celebrate the cultural differences and diversity of background and thought of our employees.
在TCCC, 我们支持同我们的员工建立一种公平的雇雇佣关系, 使得我们的员工享受到与我们与工作环境相关的人权所作的承诺相一致的人权. 同时, 我们致力于为他们提供一个安全的工作环境. 我们遵从于所有适用的, 且与工作时间, 报酬, 员工是否选择第三方为代表来进行劳资谈判, 工作条件, 以及其它所有与工作环境.相关的方面. 我们也致力于创建一种保护员工尊严, 尊重员工, 公平对待员工的工作环境. 我们认同员工的不同价值观, 尊重并崇尚不同的文化背景的差异性及员工信仰的多样性.
We expect our Merchandise Manufacturers to follow applicable laws, and similar standards and principles in the countries in which they operate. TCCC’s Code defines requirements concerning working conditions that must be met by the Merchandise Manufacturers in the production of merchandise bearing any of our trademarks.
我们期望产品制造商遵守其经营所在的国家的相关法律法规和行业标准及准则. 同时, 所有生产带有TCCC 商标产品的产品制造商必须符合TCCC 行为准则中所定义的与工作条件相关的要求.
上海晋焘企业管理咨询有限公司 网址:

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