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2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin



Work Environment 工作环境

We expect our Merchandise Manufacturers to judge their employees and contractors based upon their ability to do their jobs and not upon their physical and /or personal characteristics or beliefs, affirming the principle of no unlawful discrimination based on race, color, gender, religion, national origin or sexual orientation.
我们期望产品制造商以工作能力而不是以身体或个人特征, 或信仰作为评判其雇员工作的标准, 进而确立一种无非法歧视的原则. 这种原则应该是反对任何基于种族, 肤色, 性别, 宗教信仰, 国籍, 或性取向等方面的歧视.  
Health and Safety 安全卫生
All Merchandise Manufacturers must provide a safe and healthy working environment to minimize the risk of accidents, injury, and exposure to health risks.  Merchandise Manufacturers must ensure that workers have access to portable clean drinking water, clean sanitary facilities, adequate lighting and ventilation in the working area and an adequate number of fire extinguishers and fire exists.  Merchandise Manufactures must also ensure the same standards apply to worker housing facilities and canteens.  The manufacturer shall implement training designed to reduce injuries and promote safe working conditions.
风险中的机会最小.产品制造商应确保在生产区域工人能喝道清洁的饮用水, 有洁净的卫生设施, 足够的照明, 通风条件, 同时应有足够的逃生出口和灭火器. 在饭堂,宿舍区也达到同样的标准. 产品制造商须提供培训以推进生产安全状况并减少工伤事故.
 东莞企业形象企业策划有限公司  网址:



