Carrefour CAP改善行动要求书
2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
上海晋焘验厂值得信赖! 欢迎拨打热线:021-31035580 Carrefour CAP改善行动要求书
This Corrective Action Plan is the basis for the audit closing meeting with the factory management.It should be issued in the local language,signed by the factory management representative and the lead auditor and a copy given to the factory representative.If the factory management cannot make an immediate commitment to a corrective action and/or target date,the reasons invoked should be indicated by the auditor under“Comments of factory representative”.The duly signed Corrective Action Plan in the local language as well as the typed, English translation have to be sent to the principal together with the other reporting documents. The principal who or(BSCI验厂专家)dered this audit may reconsider certain reported conclusions and corrective actions and pursue their implementation directly with the factory, as appropriate. The principal can return the Corrective Action Plan with his confirmation/comments as appropriate. Reliable and sustainable implementation of corrective actions are crucial for the continual improvements.

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