2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Changes in WRAP
Certification Program Requirements Going in to 212
Why is the WRAP program being updated?
As with any good system, periodic reviews are built into our program to ensure it stays relevant and adapts to changes in the arena, in order to best serve the interests of our stakeholders. The last revision was in 21 and in keeping with our internal approach to revisit the program every two years, we are now issuing the 212 edition.
為什么WRAP 程序要進行更新?
So what are the major changes?
You will find below information detailing the changes (if any) implemented under each of our 12 Principles. The fundamentals of the program remain the same, but enhancements were made to increase focus on management systems (including the need for a facility to conduct internal audits), to add details sought in certain areas (including a facility’s subcontracting practices) and to directly align WRAP Principle 12 with the requirements of the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT), the supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Additionally, WRAP Principle 2 is revised to read: “Facilities will not use
involuntary, forced or trafficked labor.”
以下是12項準則變更內容的詳細信息(如果有變更的話)。此項目的基本原則保持不變,但是有加強關注管理體系(包括工廠內部審核),為了在某些區域收集更多的詳細信息(包括工廠的轉包行為),并且直接將WRAP 12項準則與美國海關和邊境保護局發起的供應鏈安全管理-C-TPAT結合。此外WRAP第二項原則更新為:“工廠禁止使用非自愿的或強迫勞工及買賣勞工”。
Are there any broad themes that run across changes in all the Principles?
Overall, the common theme with these updates is that the program will look more closely at the facility’s internal social compliance management systems. Our goal of ensuring implementation of good practices remains the same, but we want to encourage facilities to take the next step of implementing the necessary internal systems to ensure ongoing compliance is achieved effectively. This will include proper internal monitoring, as well as having documented policies and procedures that support all WRAP Principles. These requirements have always been an implicit part of the WRAP program, but are now explicitly part of the audit process.
What are the changes to Principle 1?
There are two main changes to Principle 1. The first is the requirement that the facility undertake internal monitoring of its management system (i.e., conduct internal audits) to satisfy itself that its written procedures and processes meet the requirements of local law and WRAP Principles. The second is that the facility inform all its sub-contractors of their obligations under the local labor laws and WRAP Principles.
How detailed is the internal monitoring requirement meant to be?
WRAP is looking to ensure that facilities implement meaningful internal monitoring. Facility management should conduct their own assessments of their systems on an ongoing basis. There is no specific form or approach WRAP requires for this. It can be accomplished by having a dedicated full-time employee focusing only on compliance, or a factory-wide team conducting regular checklist inspections of particular compliance issues assigned to them, or any other viable and effective approach. the key is that the facility have a meaningful process in place that can help spot violations, establish corrective measures, implement them internally and show
objective evidence of this practice taking place to auditors.
What kind of operations are included under sub-contractors?
Any supplier to the facility, whether production or service, will be included. This requirement extends to informing such sub-contractors (and to keep evidence of having informed them) that the facility expects the sub-contract to operate in conformance with the requirements of local laws and WRAP Principles.
What are the changes to Principle 2?
Principle 2 is revised to read: “Facilities will not use involuntary, forced or trafficked labor.” There is no fundamental change to the requirements under this Principle, as it was always aimed at ensuring all facility employees are working voluntarily and legally. From a documentation viewpoint, facilities will now be asked to document how they obtain proof that anyone seeking employment is legally entitled to work in that country. Also, if the facility uses any labor brokers or agents, then they will need to have an executed statement from all labor brokers/agents used, stating that the brokers/agents are not supplying labor that is involuntary or forced, and that all
supplied laborers have the right to work in that country.
What are the changes to Principle 3?
The only change under this Principle is the requirement to verify that the responsible person ensures that an employee’s assigned tasks are appropriate for their age, where applicable. This primarily focuses on ensuring young workers (ie, employees above the minimum age but below age 18) are not asked to conduct tasks that may be harmful to them.
What are the changes to Principle 4?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 4.
What are the changes to Principle 5?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 5.
What are the changes to Principle 6?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 6.
What are the changes to Principle 7?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 7.
What are the changes to Principle 8?
The requirements under Principle 8 have been restructured to ensure that in addition to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment (and dormitories, where applicable), facilities must also have proper systems in place to track health and safety incidents, including arranging hazard assessments, putting in place a chemical safety program, etc. In keeping with the overall theme of the updates, the goal is to ensure meaningful management systems are in place.
What are the changes to Principle 9?
This Principle has been enhanced to ensure that the practices in place concerning collective representation meet the requirement of giving the worker the freedom to choose whether or not to associate. As such, there are more questions on facility/worker communication channels and procedures governing related issues like meetings, elections, etc.
What are the changes to Principle 1?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 1.
What are the changes to Principle 11?
While there are no changes in the requirements under Principle 11, the questions in this section have been restructured to eliminate duplication with topics covered in Principle 12.
What are the changes to Principle 12?
This is the Principle that has the most changes to the requirements listed, although the
fundamental point remains to prevent the introduction of any non-manifest cargo into outbound containers. The driving force behind the changes in this area is to align Principle 12 directly with CTPAT. WRAP Principle 12 requirements now directly mirror the requirements of CTPAT for foreign manufacturing facilities, including container and trailer security, seals, storage, physical access controls, personnel and procedural security, physical/structural security, information technology security, and security training and threat awareness.
尽管 WRAP第十二项原则的基本原则还是禁止非法转运,但它的改变是最大的。变化的主要与动力是因为WRAP十二项原则与C-TPAT的结盟。现在的WRAP的的十二项原则实际上是反映了C-TPAT要求,C-TPAT针对外国生产工厂包括集装箱&拖车安全,封条,储存,访问安全管控人员和程序安全,硬件、墙体安全,信息技术安全,安全培训和危险意识。
Does this mean that a WRAP certification cannot be achieved unless a factory has a full CTPAT system in place?
WRAP is aligning Principle 12 with CTPAT because that represents the best practice standard, but there may be aspects of those requirements that would not apply to an individual facility seeking certification (especially if the facility in question is not a direct exporting unit). In those cases, the facility would still be eligible for WRAP certification if the other relevant requirements are met. In general, for facilities that do not export (and, in particular, do not export to the US), various aspects of Principles 11 and 12 may not be applicable. Those factories can still be eligible for WRAP certification if they meet all the other requirements, and would simply respond “N/A” to the questions in Principles 11 and 12. (Their certificate would reflect the fact that those two Principles are not applicable to their operations.
What is the timeline for the implementation of these changes?
The 212 edition of the WRAP program applies to all facilities that register for WRAP certification on or after January 1, 212. The new Self-Assessment Package reflecting these changes is already on our website, and an updated Handbook will soon follow. WRAP understands there will be a transition period involved for implementing those portions of the 212 program that are new, and we plan to phase in full compliance with those requirements as follows:
‧ Any new facilities seeking their first WRAP certificate will have until the end of the 1st quarter of 212 to fully implement the requirements. Until then, monitors will only raise an observation (ie, no non-compliance) for facilities that are not meeting the new requirements fully. After April 1, 212, all new facilities will be expected to be in full compliance with the 212 program.
‧ 所有申请首次认证的新工厂可以利用2012年第一个季度执行新要求,到那時監控員僅會對沒有完全達到新要求的工廠立一份觀察資料 (例如,沒有不符合項)。2012年4月1號以后,所有新申請認證的工廠都要完全符合212社會責任項目。
‧ Already certified facilities seeking re-certification have till the end of the 2nd quarter of 212 to fully implement the requirements. Until then, monitors will only raise an observation (ie, no non-compliance) for facilities that are not meeting the new
requirements fully. The facility will then submit to the monitors and to WRAP a proposed actions timeline to address any shortcomings related to the new requirements, and a satisfactory plan must be in place before the facility can qualify for re-certification.
•申请WRAP年审的工厂则可在第二个季度实行。到那時監控員僅會對沒有完全達到新要求的工廠立一份觀察資料 (例如,沒有不符合項)。然后工廠需提交一份對未達到相關新要求的不足點進行改善的時間表給監控員和WRAP,工廠需要有一份符合要求的計劃表才有資格進行年審。
‧ After July 1, 212, all facilities, whether new or seeking renewal, will be expected to be in full compliance with the 212 program.
‧ 2012年7月1號以后,所有的工廠不管是新認證的還是進行年審的,都要完全符合2012年社會責任項目。
Any final considerations to keep in mind?
Always remember that WRAP is first and foremost about substance over form. Many of the changes introduced will require documentation of policies and procedures and while this may appear to involve a lot of paperwork and formalities, the main thing a WRAP audit looks for is underlying practices. And while some of the changes mentioned above represent new requirements, many are actually meant to capture current facility practices. By regularly reassessing our requirements, WRAP can make sure the program continues to recognize such advances and keeps providing the best value in social compliance certification for all participating facilities.
Could we have those timelines one more time?
Here’s a summary in table form:
Date Comment
Until March 31, 212 For all facilities (whether applying for a WRAP certificate for the first time or seeking renewal of a prior certificate), monitors will only raise an observation (ie, no non-compliance) if they are not fully meeting those requirements in the 212 program that are new.
As of April 1, 212
All new facilities (ie those applying for a WRAP certificate for the first time) will have to be in full compliance with all 212 program requirements.
As of July 1, 212 All facilities (whether applying for a WRAP certificate for the first time or seeking renewal of a prior certificate) will have to be in full compliance with all 212 program requirements.
日期 評語
2012年3月31號之前 所有的工廠(不管是新認證的還是進行年審的),到那時監控員僅會對沒有完全達到2012年新要求的工廠立一份觀察資料 (例如,沒有不符合項)
截至2012年7月1號 所有的工廠(不管是新認證的還是進行年審的)都要完全符合2012年社會責任項目的要求。
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
If you have further questions or need additional clarification, please contact Mr. Avedis Seferian, WRAP’s Vice President of Compliance and Administration. He can be reached via email (aseferian@wrapcompliance.org) or by phone at +1 73 243 97.
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Changes in WRAP
Certification Program Requirements Going in to 212
Why is the WRAP program being updated?
As with any good system, periodic reviews are built into our program to ensure it stays relevant and adapts to changes in the arena, in order to best serve the interests of our stakeholders. The last revision was in 21 and in keeping with our internal approach to revisit the program every two years, we are now issuing the 212 edition.
為什么WRAP 程序要進行更新?
So what are the major changes?
You will find below information detailing the changes (if any) implemented under each of our 12 Principles. The fundamentals of the program remain the same, but enhancements were made to increase focus on management systems (including the need for a facility to conduct internal audits), to add details sought in certain areas (including a facility’s subcontracting practices) and to directly align WRAP Principle 12 with the requirements of the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT), the supply chain security program led by U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Additionally, WRAP Principle 2 is revised to read: “Facilities will not use
involuntary, forced or trafficked labor.”
以下是12項準則變更內容的詳細信息(如果有變更的話)。此項目的基本原則保持不變,但是有加強關注管理體系(包括工廠內部審核),為了在某些區域收集更多的詳細信息(包括工廠的轉包行為),并且直接將WRAP 12項準則與美國海關和邊境保護局發起的供應鏈安全管理-C-TPAT結合。此外WRAP第二項原則更新為:“工廠禁止使用非自愿的或強迫勞工及買賣勞工”。
Are there any broad themes that run across changes in all the Principles?
Overall, the common theme with these updates is that the program will look more closely at the facility’s internal social compliance management systems. Our goal of ensuring implementation of good practices remains the same, but we want to encourage facilities to take the next step of implementing the necessary internal systems to ensure ongoing compliance is achieved effectively. This will include proper internal monitoring, as well as having documented policies and procedures that support all WRAP Principles. These requirements have always been an implicit part of the WRAP program, but are now explicitly part of the audit process.
What are the changes to Principle 1?
There are two main changes to Principle 1. The first is the requirement that the facility undertake internal monitoring of its management system (i.e., conduct internal audits) to satisfy itself that its written procedures and processes meet the requirements of local law and WRAP Principles. The second is that the facility inform all its sub-contractors of their obligations under the local labor laws and WRAP Principles.
How detailed is the internal monitoring requirement meant to be?
WRAP is looking to ensure that facilities implement meaningful internal monitoring. Facility management should conduct their own assessments of their systems on an ongoing basis. There is no specific form or approach WRAP requires for this. It can be accomplished by having a dedicated full-time employee focusing only on compliance, or a factory-wide team conducting regular checklist inspections of particular compliance issues assigned to them, or any other viable and effective approach. the key is that the facility have a meaningful process in place that can help spot violations, establish corrective measures, implement them internally and show
objective evidence of this practice taking place to auditors.
What kind of operations are included under sub-contractors?
Any supplier to the facility, whether production or service, will be included. This requirement extends to informing such sub-contractors (and to keep evidence of having informed them) that the facility expects the sub-contract to operate in conformance with the requirements of local laws and WRAP Principles.
What are the changes to Principle 2?
Principle 2 is revised to read: “Facilities will not use involuntary, forced or trafficked labor.” There is no fundamental change to the requirements under this Principle, as it was always aimed at ensuring all facility employees are working voluntarily and legally. From a documentation viewpoint, facilities will now be asked to document how they obtain proof that anyone seeking employment is legally entitled to work in that country. Also, if the facility uses any labor brokers or agents, then they will need to have an executed statement from all labor brokers/agents used, stating that the brokers/agents are not supplying labor that is involuntary or forced, and that all
supplied laborers have the right to work in that country.
What are the changes to Principle 3?
The only change under this Principle is the requirement to verify that the responsible person ensures that an employee’s assigned tasks are appropriate for their age, where applicable. This primarily focuses on ensuring young workers (ie, employees above the minimum age but below age 18) are not asked to conduct tasks that may be harmful to them.
What are the changes to Principle 4?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 4.
What are the changes to Principle 5?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 5.
What are the changes to Principle 6?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 6.
What are the changes to Principle 7?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 7.
What are the changes to Principle 8?
The requirements under Principle 8 have been restructured to ensure that in addition to maintaining a safe and healthy work environment (and dormitories, where applicable), facilities must also have proper systems in place to track health and safety incidents, including arranging hazard assessments, putting in place a chemical safety program, etc. In keeping with the overall theme of the updates, the goal is to ensure meaningful management systems are in place.
What are the changes to Principle 9?
This Principle has been enhanced to ensure that the practices in place concerning collective representation meet the requirement of giving the worker the freedom to choose whether or not to associate. As such, there are more questions on facility/worker communication channels and procedures governing related issues like meetings, elections, etc.
What are the changes to Principle 1?
There are no changes in the requirements under Principle 1.
What are the changes to Principle 11?
While there are no changes in the requirements under Principle 11, the questions in this section have been restructured to eliminate duplication with topics covered in Principle 12.
What are the changes to Principle 12?
This is the Principle that has the most changes to the requirements listed, although the
fundamental point remains to prevent the introduction of any non-manifest cargo into outbound containers. The driving force behind the changes in this area is to align Principle 12 directly with CTPAT. WRAP Principle 12 requirements now directly mirror the requirements of CTPAT for foreign manufacturing facilities, including container and trailer security, seals, storage, physical access controls, personnel and procedural security, physical/structural security, information technology security, and security training and threat awareness.
尽管 WRAP第十二项原则的基本原则还是禁止非法转运,但它的改变是最大的。变化的主要与动力是因为WRAP十二项原则与C-TPAT的结盟。现在的WRAP的的十二项原则实际上是反映了C-TPAT要求,C-TPAT针对外国生产工厂包括集装箱&拖车安全,封条,储存,访问安全管控人员和程序安全,硬件、墙体安全,信息技术安全,安全培训和危险意识。
Does this mean that a WRAP certification cannot be achieved unless a factory has a full CTPAT system in place?
WRAP is aligning Principle 12 with CTPAT because that represents the best practice standard, but there may be aspects of those requirements that would not apply to an individual facility seeking certification (especially if the facility in question is not a direct exporting unit). In those cases, the facility would still be eligible for WRAP certification if the other relevant requirements are met. In general, for facilities that do not export (and, in particular, do not export to the US), various aspects of Principles 11 and 12 may not be applicable. Those factories can still be eligible for WRAP certification if they meet all the other requirements, and would simply respond “N/A” to the questions in Principles 11 and 12. (Their certificate would reflect the fact that those two Principles are not applicable to their operations.
What is the timeline for the implementation of these changes?
The 212 edition of the WRAP program applies to all facilities that register for WRAP certification on or after January 1, 212. The new Self-Assessment Package reflecting these changes is already on our website, and an updated Handbook will soon follow. WRAP understands there will be a transition period involved for implementing those portions of the 212 program that are new, and we plan to phase in full compliance with those requirements as follows:
‧ Any new facilities seeking their first WRAP certificate will have until the end of the 1st quarter of 212 to fully implement the requirements. Until then, monitors will only raise an observation (ie, no non-compliance) for facilities that are not meeting the new requirements fully. After April 1, 212, all new facilities will be expected to be in full compliance with the 212 program.
‧ 所有申请首次认证的新工厂可以利用2012年第一个季度执行新要求,到那時監控員僅會對沒有完全達到新要求的工廠立一份觀察資料 (例如,沒有不符合項)。2012年4月1號以后,所有新申請認證的工廠都要完全符合212社會責任項目。
‧ Already certified facilities seeking re-certification have till the end of the 2nd quarter of 212 to fully implement the requirements. Until then, monitors will only raise an observation (ie, no non-compliance) for facilities that are not meeting the new
requirements fully. The facility will then submit to the monitors and to WRAP a proposed actions timeline to address any shortcomings related to the new requirements, and a satisfactory plan must be in place before the facility can qualify for re-certification.
•申请WRAP年审的工厂则可在第二个季度实行。到那時監控員僅會對沒有完全達到新要求的工廠立一份觀察資料 (例如,沒有不符合項)。然后工廠需提交一份對未達到相關新要求的不足點進行改善的時間表給監控員和WRAP,工廠需要有一份符合要求的計劃表才有資格進行年審。
‧ After July 1, 212, all facilities, whether new or seeking renewal, will be expected to be in full compliance with the 212 program.
‧ 2012年7月1號以后,所有的工廠不管是新認證的還是進行年審的,都要完全符合2012年社會責任項目。
Any final considerations to keep in mind?
Always remember that WRAP is first and foremost about substance over form. Many of the changes introduced will require documentation of policies and procedures and while this may appear to involve a lot of paperwork and formalities, the main thing a WRAP audit looks for is underlying practices. And while some of the changes mentioned above represent new requirements, many are actually meant to capture current facility practices. By regularly reassessing our requirements, WRAP can make sure the program continues to recognize such advances and keeps providing the best value in social compliance certification for all participating facilities.
Could we have those timelines one more time?
Here’s a summary in table form:
Date Comment
Until March 31, 212 For all facilities (whether applying for a WRAP certificate for the first time or seeking renewal of a prior certificate), monitors will only raise an observation (ie, no non-compliance) if they are not fully meeting those requirements in the 212 program that are new.
As of April 1, 212
All new facilities (ie those applying for a WRAP certificate for the first time) will have to be in full compliance with all 212 program requirements.
As of July 1, 212 All facilities (whether applying for a WRAP certificate for the first time or seeking renewal of a prior certificate) will have to be in full compliance with all 212 program requirements.
日期 評語
2012年3月31號之前 所有的工廠(不管是新認證的還是進行年審的),到那時監控員僅會對沒有完全達到2012年新要求的工廠立一份觀察資料 (例如,沒有不符合項)
截至2012年7月1號 所有的工廠(不管是新認證的還是進行年審的)都要完全符合2012年社會責任項目的要求。
Who can I contact if I have more questions?
If you have further questions or need additional clarification, please contact Mr. Avedis Seferian, WRAP’s Vice President of Compliance and Administration. He can be reached via email (aseferian@wrapcompliance.org) or by phone at +1 73 243 97.
如果你還有其它疑問或要求額外的解釋,請聯系Mr. Avedis Seferian, WRAP社會責任與行政的副總裁,他的郵箱是(aseferian@wrapcompliance.org)或者可致電+1 73 243 97

- 上一篇:WRAP验厂流程步骤怎么走?
- 下一篇:wrap认证的流程是怎样的?