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Costco QMS & GMP审核所需文件(SGS版)

2018-03-10 22:28 作者:admin

  Costco QMS & GMP审核所需文件(SGS版):
  1.1 Business license 营业执照;
  1.2 Brief introduction of factory 工厂简介;
  1.3 Factory’s plane figure-factory floor plans (公司)厂区/厂房平面图;
  1.4 Organization chart 公司组织架构图;
  1.5 ISO 9 certificate or other Quality Assurance systems. ISO9证书或其他质量保证系统;
  1.6 Relevant product lab test reports产品测试报告;
  1.7 Production process chart 生产工序流程图;
  2.1 Quality policy 质量方针;
  2.2 Quality manual 质量手册;
  2.3 Quality objectives and monitoring records 监控记录和质量目标;
  2.4 Procedures 程序文件(文件、记录、不合格、内审、纠正措施和预防措施控制程序);
  2.5 Documents control records 文件更改收发记录;
  2.6 Management review records 管理评审记录;
  3.1 Products risk assessment action and validation 产品风险评估措施和验证;
  3.2 Products risk assessment procedure and records 产品风险评估程序和记录;
  3.3 External documents list and control records 外来文件清单和管控记录;
  4.1 Design testing and record 设计产品检测及报告;
  4.2 Verification and validation records 验证和确认记录;
  4.3 Design input and review record 设计输入和评审记录;
  4.4 Engineering Change Notice 设计变更记录(ECN);
  4.5 Design control procedure 开发设计控制程序;
  4.6 Design output (technical file, BOM, Packing and using description) 设计输出(物料单、包装、技术文件、使用说明);
  4.7 Monitoring procedure and records of suppliers/subcontractor 供应商/分包商评审程序及记录;
  4.8 Complaint handling records (if applicable) 客户投诉处理记录 (如果有);
  4.9 Qualified supplier list 合格供应商清单;
  4.1 Complaint handling procedure 客户投诉处理程序;
  4.9 Order review and customer focus procedure and records 订单评审和客户关注程序及记录;
  4.11 Recall procedure and records召回程序和记录;
  4.12 Internal audit plan and records 内部审核计划、记录。

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