2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
Document & Data Checklistfor HR Evaluation
Note: This listonly state part of documents and information factory need to provide. Factory alsoneeds to provide any other document and information required by assessorsonsite.
1. 所有员工人事档案 (包括员工花名册,劳动合同, 人事记录,身份证明复印件等) Allpersonnel files (Employment contracts, personnel records with ID card copies& etc.)
(if any) –
a. 一份月薪员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of monthly worker contract andpersonal file
b. 一份时薪员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of hourly rate worker contractand personal file
c. 一份件资员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of piece ratecontract and personal file
d. 一份临时员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of temporary contract andpersonnel file
2. 考勤记录 (最近一年,适用于纸卡及有打印存档的电脑考勤) Attendance records / Time cards (recent 12 months)
3. 工资表(最近一年) Payrollfor all employees (recent 12 months)
4. 生产日报表(最近一年) Daily production report (recent 12 months)
5. 工人个人产量记录/工资计算记录(最近一年) Workers’ individual production records/Summary to show payroll calculation(recent 12 months)
6. 工资条范例
Wage slips – 1 case formonthly worker, daily rate worker & piece rate worker
7. 最低工资通知书 Recent minimum wage announcement
8. 厂规 / 员工手册 Factory rules & regulations / Employee’s handbook
9. 营业执照 Certificateof registration of business name
1. 消防证 Certificatefrom Fire Department
11. 环保证 Certificate from Environment Protection Department
12. 急救培训证书(由正规医疗机构提供) Certificate of CPR/ First aid
13. 社会保险供款单据 (最近半年) SocialSecurity Insurance invoices / payment records (recent 6 months)
14. 消防演习记录资料(最近一年) Logbookand photos of fire drills(recent 12 months)
15. 工伤记录(最近一年) Injuryrecords (recent 12 months)
16. 请假记录(最近一年) Leave records(recent 12 months)
17. 食堂卫生证 Hygienecertificate of Kitchen
18. 厨房工作人员健康证 Healthcertificate(s) of kitchen staff
19. 高压锅炉使用证及操作证 Boiler using permit and operator certificate
2. 未成年工许可证
Permits for minor workers
21. 客户行为准则培训资料
Training record for Code ofConduct
22. 超时加班记录 (最近一年)
Record for excessive overtime work
23. 健康安全委员会架构图及最近三次会议记录
Organization chart for Healthand Safety Committee with meeting minutes (recent 3 times)
24. 医生护士执照及合同
Certificates of doctors,nurse and their contract (if applicable)
25. 全厂平面图
Factory Floor Plan
26. 组织结构图
Organizational Chart
27. 厂规内容及合同内容的员工培训记录
Training records for content of factory rule and labor contract
1. 奖惩制度,记录,培训记录
2. Disciplinary policy and procedure, disciplinary records(warning letter) and its training record for workers.
3. 申诉制度,记录,培训记录
4. Grievance policy and procedure, complaint records andtraining record for workers.
5. 反歧视,反童工制度,培训记录
6. Policy of anti-discrimination, non child labor and itstraining record.
28. 电梯合格证及操作工操作证
Inspection certificate of elevator & operator certificate (ifapplicable)
29. 离职记录和辞退记录(最近三个月)
Resignation and terminationrecords (recent 3 months)
3. 集体协议
Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA) (If applicable)
31. 工会架构图
Union registration letter,labor Union member list & meeting minutes (If applicable)
32. 怀孕女工及休产假女工名单
Name list of pregnant workersand those on maternity leave - Original only
33. 最近三个月新员工名单
Name list of new workers(Last 3 months) - Original only
34. 员工体检报告
Workers body check reports
35. 最近一次工人饮用水测试报告
Drink Water test report forthe pass 12 month
36. 过去12 個月工厂的水电费发票
Invoices of water /electricity for the past 12 months
37. 过去12 個月全厂用于发电机的所购煤炭 /汽油/柴油每月的收費记录 /发票/正式收据
The use of stationary fuel combustion consumed monthlyofficial receipts / bills or invoice for the past 12 months.
38. 过去12 個月工厂自用汽车所购汽油 /柴油每月的收費记录/发票 /正式收据
In-house vehicle(s), owned car gasoline / fuelconsumed monthly official receipts / bills or invoice for the past 12 monthsreport.
Document & Data Checklistfor HR Evaluation
Note: This listonly state part of documents and information factory need to provide. Factory alsoneeds to provide any other document and information required by assessorsonsite.
1. 所有员工人事档案 (包括员工花名册,劳动合同, 人事记录,身份证明复印件等) Allpersonnel files (Employment contracts, personnel records with ID card copies& etc.)
(if any) –
a. 一份月薪员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of monthly worker contract andpersonal file
b. 一份时薪员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of hourly rate worker contractand personal file
c. 一份件资员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of piece ratecontract and personal file
d. 一份临时员工合同和人事档案
1 copy of temporary contract andpersonnel file
2. 考勤记录 (最近一年,适用于纸卡及有打印存档的电脑考勤) Attendance records / Time cards (recent 12 months)
3. 工资表(最近一年) Payrollfor all employees (recent 12 months)
4. 生产日报表(最近一年) Daily production report (recent 12 months)
5. 工人个人产量记录/工资计算记录(最近一年) Workers’ individual production records/Summary to show payroll calculation(recent 12 months)
6. 工资条范例
Wage slips – 1 case formonthly worker, daily rate worker & piece rate worker
7. 最低工资通知书 Recent minimum wage announcement
8. 厂规 / 员工手册 Factory rules & regulations / Employee’s handbook
9. 营业执照 Certificateof registration of business name
1. 消防证 Certificatefrom Fire Department
11. 环保证 Certificate from Environment Protection Department
12. 急救培训证书(由正规医疗机构提供) Certificate of CPR/ First aid
13. 社会保险供款单据 (最近半年) SocialSecurity Insurance invoices / payment records (recent 6 months)
14. 消防演习记录资料(最近一年) Logbookand photos of fire drills(recent 12 months)
15. 工伤记录(最近一年) Injuryrecords (recent 12 months)
16. 请假记录(最近一年) Leave records(recent 12 months)
17. 食堂卫生证 Hygienecertificate of Kitchen
18. 厨房工作人员健康证 Healthcertificate(s) of kitchen staff
19. 高压锅炉使用证及操作证 Boiler using permit and operator certificate
2. 未成年工许可证
Permits for minor workers
21. 客户行为准则培训资料
Training record for Code ofConduct
22. 超时加班记录 (最近一年)
Record for excessive overtime work
23. 健康安全委员会架构图及最近三次会议记录
Organization chart for Healthand Safety Committee with meeting minutes (recent 3 times)
24. 医生护士执照及合同
Certificates of doctors,nurse and their contract (if applicable)
25. 全厂平面图
Factory Floor Plan
26. 组织结构图
Organizational Chart
27. 厂规内容及合同内容的员工培训记录
Training records for content of factory rule and labor contract
1. 奖惩制度,记录,培训记录
2. Disciplinary policy and procedure, disciplinary records(warning letter) and its training record for workers.
3. 申诉制度,记录,培训记录
4. Grievance policy and procedure, complaint records andtraining record for workers.
5. 反歧视,反童工制度,培训记录
6. Policy of anti-discrimination, non child labor and itstraining record.
28. 电梯合格证及操作工操作证
Inspection certificate of elevator & operator certificate (ifapplicable)
29. 离职记录和辞退记录(最近三个月)
Resignation and terminationrecords (recent 3 months)
3. 集体协议
Collective Bargaining Agreement(CBA) (If applicable)
31. 工会架构图
Union registration letter,labor Union member list & meeting minutes (If applicable)
32. 怀孕女工及休产假女工名单
Name list of pregnant workersand those on maternity leave - Original only
33. 最近三个月新员工名单
Name list of new workers(Last 3 months) - Original only
34. 员工体检报告
Workers body check reports
35. 最近一次工人饮用水测试报告
Drink Water test report forthe pass 12 month
36. 过去12 個月工厂的水电费发票
Invoices of water /electricity for the past 12 months
37. 过去12 個月全厂用于发电机的所购煤炭 /汽油/柴油每月的收費记录 /发票/正式收据
The use of stationary fuel combustion consumed monthlyofficial receipts / bills or invoice for the past 12 months.
38. 过去12 個月工厂自用汽车所购汽油 /柴油每月的收費记录/发票 /正式收据
In-house vehicle(s), owned car gasoline / fuelconsumed monthly official receipts / bills or invoice for the past 12 monthsreport.
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