2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
At Lowe’s, we’re driven by a single purpose— to help people love where they live. As part of our purpose, we are committedto protect our brand and our corporate reputation.
Lowe’s Vendor Code of Conduct is thefoundation of the Lowe’s Social Accountability & Environmental (“SAE”)Program. Currently the SAE Program is executed by auditing Direct and IndirectImport Vendors’ factories and factories producing Lowe’s Private Branded productssourced domestically but manufactured outside of the U.S. and Canada (Vendor isthe importer of record).
Over the past two years, we have partneredwith The Home Depot (“THD”) and developed one single audit template namedRetail Ethical Sourcing Assessment (“RESA”). The goal of developing the singleaudit template is to avoid imposing the added cost of having to conductmultiple audits on THD’s and Lowe’s vendors where the same factories are beingused.
在过去的两年中,我们与家得宝(“THD”)一起合作开发了一个名为零售商道德采购评估(“RESA”)的统一审核模板,其目的是为了避免对Lowe’s 和THD 共同使用的工厂进行重复审核,从而减少该重复审核导致的审核成本。
This new RESA audit template will beeffective for all SAE audits conducted on or after March 1, 217. At the timeof audit scheduling, please inform Lowe’s appointed 3rd partyservice provider if an audit conducted by THD using the RESA template is onfile. If so, Lowe’s will obtain a copy of the audit report and all relevantcorrective actions related document from THD directly and not conduct anyadditional SAE audits. Please note that as Lowe’s vendors, you are obliged tocomply with Lowe’s Vendor Code of Conduct during SAE audits conducted by THD orLowe’s, including but not limited to, Section 7 – Acceptance of Gifts andBenefits, Section 14 – Anti-Corruption, and etc.
We are truly excited about this newinitiative as it will pave the way in reducing SAE audit fatigue at thoseshared factories.
Please feel free to contact Sence Liu (sence.liu@lowes.com) or Freddy Jing (freddy.jing@lowes.com).
如您有任何疑问,请随时联系 Sence Liu(sence.liu@lowes.com)或Freddy Jing(freddy.jing@lowes.com)。
Thank you for your cooperation, partnershipand support.
Zach Miller
VP of Quality Assurance
With a copy to:
Anwar Khan
Director of Social Accountability
Paul Condeelis
Director of International QA