2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
LOWE'S SA Audit Document List LOWE'S社会责任审核文件清单 :
1 Floor plan / Production Process Flow Chart 厂区平面图 / 生产工艺流程图
2 Business license 营业执照
3 Name list of employees 员工花名册 员工花名册 (全厂员工名册/12 个月内离职员工名册)
4 Payroll records of past 12 months (Signed Payroll Record / Bank Transfer Record for Full- time Employees / Part-time Employees / Dispatch workers, Piece Rate Record)最近 12个月工资记录(员工/非全日制工/派遣工签名工资表或银行转帐凭证,计件记录)
5 Attendance records related to above payroll and attendance record of recent unpaid month对应以上工资表的12月工时记录 以及最近未发薪月的工时记录
6 Comprehensive Working Hour System Approval and related attendance records综合计时批文及相关工时记录 及相关工时记录 (12个月内有效批文对应的所有工时记录均应提供)
7Payment receipt of social insurance schemes & income tax / Registration form最近 12个月社会保险和个人所得税之缴费凭证,收据 /人员申报单
8 Records of paid annual leave 有薪年假记录
9Factory regulations (Recruitment, Reward, Disciplinary, Wage, Hour, Benefit etc.)厂规或员工手册(招聘,奖惩,考评,工资,工时,福利制度等)
1 Personnel files with ID Copy 员工入职登记表 附身份证复印件 (体检表-如有)
11 Labor contracts (Dispatch agreements)劳动合同 (劳务派遣协议)
12 Leave applications 员工请假表(最近 12个月)
13 Health examination / registration of juvenile workers未成年工体检证明/ 劳动部门登记表
14 Trade Union / Worker organization工会委员名单,章程,会议记录 (或其他员工组织,未建立工会则不需提供)
15 Grievance procedure and record 申诉投诉程序和记录
16 Disciplinary Procedure and record 纪律处分程序和记录
17 Occupational disease hazard factors tests 车间职业健康危害因素监测报告
18 O-chart of safety committee, safety procedures, emergency preparedness
安全委员会架构图,工厂安全制度,紧急事故处置预案 (灭火和应急疏散预案,危险化学品事故应急预案)
19 First aid responder certificates 急救员证书
2 Fire drill records / Dangerous Chemical spill response drill records
消防演习记录(最近两个年度演习记录照片-厂房/宿舍) 危险化学品事故应急演习记录
21 Production building and dormitory
(1) Fire acceptance check report / filling record; (1) 建筑物消防验收合格证/ 备案
(2) Inspection for Completed Building Construction Projects; (2)建筑工程竣工验收报告 / 合格证明
(3) Planning permit of temporary construction (3) 临时建筑规划许可证
22 Injury records / Injury procedure 工伤记录 / 工伤处理程序
23 SDS / Inventory for hazardous substances / chemicals化学品危险品清单及物料安全资料卡
24 Safety training records (Fire safety, Job safety, Machinery, PPE, Chemical)安全培训记录 (消防安全/岗位安全/机器设备/个人防护用品/化学品使用等)
25 Occupational health examination records 职业病危害 健康检查/ 体检报告
26 Special Operation Certificate / Special Equipment Operator Certificate 特种作业操作证 / 特种设备作业人员证(电工/焊工/锅炉工/压力容器操作/厂内机动车操作工/起重机作业工等)
27 Registration / Safety Inspection documents for Special equipment特种设备档案 (电梯/锅炉/压力容器/压力管道/厂内机动车/起重机等使用许可证或定期安检报告)
28 Hygiene Certificate for the canteen in factory 食堂 餐饮 服务 许可证
29 Health Certificate of food handler/ Radiation work permit 食堂 厨工 健康证/ 放射工作人员证
3 Environmental documents 环保文件(环评登记表或报告表或报告书/环评批复/竣工验收报告/排污许可证/危废回收商资质证明/危废转移合同/危废交运联单/ 辐射安全许可证 等)
31 Subcontractor information 外发商/ 分包商信息 (厂名/电话/地址/联系人/工序)
32 Production records 生产记录(生产日报表, 仓库收发记录, 质量检查记录等)
Note: The factory shall provide above documents for auditor to review within 4 hours after auditor’s arrival at factory. Otherwise auditor may not have enough time to review these documents after the cut-off time. For the certificates, licenses and reports from government and authorities, original document but not copy shall be provided for reviews. The above documents are a minimum, auditors will request other documentations as client requirements or audit needs. 注意:工厂应在审核员到厂4小时内提供上述资料作审核,否则有可能来不及审核超过该时间提供的资料. 所有政府颁发的证件和执照,及有资质的报告等,需要提供原件查阅,复印件不能接受。除上述文件外,审核员还将就客户要求或审核需要调阅和审查其它文件资料。