2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin
During factory certification, the assessor needs to review the following documents from your factory. Please make them ready for review if you have these documents. 在工廠評審過程中,評審員須要查閱下述文件。如 貴公司備有該等文件,請 事先由檔案抽出,以便查閱。
(一)廠房平面圖 Factory Layout Diagram
(二)最近十二個月準時交貨的統計數據 Last 12 months on time delivery statistical data
(三)最近十二個月成品質量抽查的統計數據 Last 12 months final pre-shipment quality audit statistical data
(四)員工招聘 Recruitment 1) 招聘守則 Guidelines for Recruitment 2) 職位說明書 Job Description 3) 廠規/員工手冊 Factory rule/ employee manual 4) 最新員工花名冊及身份證複印件 Updated name list and ID copies of staffs
(五)員工培訓 Employee Training 1) 員工守則培訓課程大綱 Factory Rules and Regulati***** for Employees 2) 各個崗位特殊技能培訓課程大綱 Training contents of skills required for Individual post 3) 員工培訓及考核紀錄 Records of Employee Training and Assessment
(六)質量系統的規範文件 Quality System Policies and Operating Procedures 1) 工廠組織架構圖 Factory Organization Chart 2) 質量主管的職責介定 Roles and Resp*****ibilities of Key pers***** in Quality Organization 3) 質量主管的報告渠道 Reporting channel for pers***** in Quality Department Suite 61, World Commerce Centre, 11 Canton Road, TST, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Phone: (852) 2377 1862 Fax: (852) 2317 293 4) 質量控制程序及相關文件例如質量手冊,質量程序文件,各質檢崗 位的工作指引,書面檢驗測試標準,抽樣計畫,工藝水平的檢查 準則等 Quality control documents such as quality manual, quality procedures, operating procedures for individual quality control stati*****, documented inspection/testing criteria and sample plan and workmanship acceptance/rejection criteria etc. 5) 挑選供應商的手續及質量審查程序及相應審核記錄 Vendor selection procedures and quality assessment procedures and relative assessment reports 6) 合格供應商名單Accepted supplier list 7) 對供應商的質量要求Vendor quality requirements 8) 供應商質量表現及監管紀錄 Vendors quality performance records and performance monitoring records 9) 來料及退料管理 Incoming material handling and non-conforming