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2018-01-07 13:47 作者:admin



9. 设施(Facilities)
9.1 受核工厂应制订一套关于受核工厂设施范围内奉行当地关于卫生健康、安全、环境以及工作条件的法规的政策文件:The facility should have written policy to adopt the local laws governing the health, safety, environmental, and working conditions in its facilities.
9.3 受核工厂应常常保持清洁,状态良好:走廊和走道、货场和仓储区、电梯、楼梯、生产作业区、电力设备:The facility should be kept clean and maintained in good condition: Walkways and Aisles, Yard and Storage Areas, Lifts and Stairways, Manufacturing Areas, Electrical Equipment.
9.4 工厂应落实对设施进行日常查视的安排:The factory should conduct facility inspections routinely.
9.5 所有机器、设备和设施系统均须维持安全操作状态,发生故障扣,须加以充分的修理:All machinery, equipment, and facility should be maintained in safe working condition and adequately repaired following breakdown.
9.7 温度和温度控制均须符合安全工作常规要求:Temperature and humidity controls should meet safe working practices.
9.8 一般通风调控须足令工作环境安全:General ventilation controls should provide a safe working environment.
9.9 照明须充足:The lighting should be adequate.
9.1 废弃物收集工作须经常而有系统地进行:The refuse should be collect regularly and systematically.
9.11 所有建筑物的形貌完整性及结构完整性均须经专业评估,并获发“建筑质量证书”以证明完好无损:The physical and structural integrity of all buildings should has been professionally assessed。This may be indicated by the factory having a “Certificate of Occupancy”.
9.12 锅炉、无火压力容器和熔炉等设备须经专业检验:The boilers, unfired pressure vessels, and furnaces should have been professionally inspected.
9.13 楼面容许负重须经测定,有关数据的告示须张贴,并予以遵守:Floor loading weights should be allow to determined, posted and adhered to.
9.14 如果受核工厂在过去12个月间曾因有违工作条件法规而被传讯或惩罚,各违法过失须在指定期内纠正:If the facility had any citations or penalties from violations of working condition laws in the past 12 months, they should have been corrected within the required time frame.
9.15 须有饮用水供全体雇员饮用:All employees should have access to potable water for drinking purposes.
9.16 须有卫生间设施可供使用,厕具数量足够、功能良好、清洁干净:Adequate toilet facilities should be available, functional, and in clean condition.
9.17 卫生间设施的范围内须可供使用、功能良好、清洁干净的洗手设备:Hand-washing facilities should be available, functional, in clean condition, and located within the toilet facilities area.
9.18 保安人员均须经足够培训:Security personnel should be trained adequately.
9.19 须制定有关吸烟的规则:Smoking rules should be written and observed.


